Anaphylaxis: Etiology Unknown


24 30h
Looking at Easter pictures with my dad. Laughed so hard I started coughing and couldn't stop.

24 40h
Realized I wasn't coughing from laughter, I was coughing because my throat was itchy and beginning to swell. Can't find "my effin' epipen!"

24 45h
Family zooms out of house.
24 50h
Arrive at Scarborough Grace Hospital. Immediately put on oxygen and IV fluids.
Doctor orders: 0.3 epinephrine IM
Respiratory Tech orders: Ventolin breathing treatment, nebs

00 00h
The Ventolin tastes weird. The only things I ate was some bread that I get from the same place, every week, and Pepsi. So what caused this reaction? And where the EFF was my epipen?! I need to go to the washroom really, really badly. Discover that I'm less stable on my feet than I thought.

My mom helps me down the hallway and then I see a dead body, all wrapped up. We have a hissing argument about whether or not it's dead before I go in the washroom. When I emerge, and we're walking back, she sees it and tells me it freaks her out. She's the one with all the ghost stories!

00 30h
RT and MD listen to my lungs. Still wheezy, although I feel almost completely normal. Another breathing treatment, another half hour.

01 00h
Doctor sends my mom and dad out to buy an epipen from the closest 24h pharmacy. He tells me to rest, because the epi and the 2 Ventolin treatments caused my heart rate to go up. I fall into a fitful sleep, which is partially made better by the nurse in the yellow scrub top.

03 30h
Free! My O2 and heart rate are at normal levels. I'm exhausted from the reaction itself, but the epi gave me a lot of nervous energy. When I get home, I hold onto the kitchen counter and jump up and down to release some of it. Doesn't work. It's a really strange feeling- full of energy and completely exhausted at the same time.

All throughout Wednesday my throat hurt, probably from coughing so hard to get some air in. I didn't eat until the evening because I was so frightened- I still don't know what caused the reaction, so how can I eat anything?! It's out there- lurking- Beware The Allergen.